Aside from my pounding head, I felt pretty achy, but all things considered, things seemed to be working all right.
After the bite, she began to feel tired and achy and was treated with a 28-day course of antibiotics.
The extra weight you've gained is putting added pressure on your back, making it feel achy and sore.
It was profoundly discouraging to feel so achy and spent even before the sun had risen.
Her menstrual period had started; that's why she was cramping, why she felt so achy.
Then she sat on a rock and did not move for several minutes, feeling achy and tired.
The following morning he felt achy and tired, but attributed this to the long bus journey.
"I got chilled on the way back home yesterday, and I felt really achy, so I decided to go to bed early."
Even when the headache went away the next day, I felt achy all over and "fuzzy" in my head.
She awakened later than she meant to, feeling achy and tired but determined.