His fingers felt no more agile than stumps of wood.
Above all it feels agile, with a turning circle of just over 11ft that would have a London cabbie weeping with envy.
The standard models feel relatively small and agile, but the new versions make you keenly aware of their 208 inches of length.
Indeed, first impression tells you that the new car's chassis feels a little less sharp and agile than its predecessor's.
The V6 model, which is lighter and has a better front-rear weight balance, feels more agile.
His weight is the same this season, and Posada said he felt more agile than he used to.
The system minimizes the pulling-to-the-side condition called torque steer and makes the tall wagon feel agile.
Like the 7000i, it feels well-balanced and agile when held by average-size hands (mine, that is).
Batman feels agile, and his movements match the massive city around him.
His mind felt little more agile than his body.