She has known Mihoshi for several years, but feels animosity towards her.
Although the two sides rarely meet, the fans of both clubs still feel animosity towards each other.
Feeling animosity towards people who are so blatantly different to you is perfectly natural.
It was all too late now and with the woman here, right in front of her, it seemed so pointless to feel animosity.
The Pocono rappers say they have felt little racial animosity from local residents, almost all of whom are white.
But others do not want to collaborate at any price with a leader toward whom they feel deep personal animosity.
Broud feels too much animosity toward the child, Creb thought.
I feel animosity toward the person who committed the crime.
"And if you haven't thought about that, then why do you feel such animosity toward her?"
Now that he'd broken up Jean and Duncan's marriage, they felt personal animosity toward him as well.