Also, his head and cheeks and chin felt unaccountably chilly - possibly another evidence of black magic.
Indeed it felt downright chilly outside for spring, with a brisk wind from the northwest.
Waking at dawn, he feels chilly and stiff.
Yet, as he felt more chilly than ever, he sat upright, staring into the fire.
Gradually, a faint brightness appeared in the east, and the air, which had been very warm all through the night, felt cool and chilly.
The windows were closed and the air-conditioning was set to sixty-five degrees, so that after the warmth of the night outside, it felt distinctly chilly.
And although just about everywhere's seen a good deal of sunshine, it has continued to feel pretty chilly.
It was unlike anything she had ever seen before, and suddenly she felt very chilly even though it was hot in the house.
It is particularly "suitable for pale, delicate persons who always feel cold and chilly."
Her legs still felt chilly and exposed, and she was hungry.