Still, given Dave's extreme kindness, it did not seem appropriate to challenge what he was saying, even though his tacit agreement made Harry feel oddly conspiratorial.
If so, one of several things will now happen, depending on who the Subjects are or as Maxie had it, Targets and whether they're feeling conspiratorial or conspired against today.
If Chatterbox were feeling conspiratorial, he might argue that the Times is hyping the story because it previously was hyped in a newspaper its corporate parent happens to own.
He felt somehow conspiratorial, and got a small lift from the feeling.
Headhunting 1960s-style tended to make consultants feel conspiratorial, shady and slightly suspect even if, like Young, they were wholly convinced of the ultimate value of executive search to a company's efficiency and performance.
Darian exchanged a knowing glance with Keisha, feeling conspiratorial.
I felt thoroughly conspiratorial as I searched among darkened, unfamiliar avenues.
And why should one feel conspiratorial about indulging in one of life's small pleasures?
She felt silly and conspiratorial and almost put the journal away, but, instead, wrote farther down the page: Is my life so empty that I must fill it by spying on a student?
Feeling almost conspiratorial, Frances handed the note to her up in her bedroom.