The narrative is not the only thing that feels dated (or archetypal, if you're a fan) in "Star Wars."
Many of its hospital floors feel grim and dated, with harsh lighting and nurses' stations enclosed in Plexiglass.
Back in 1988, Al Holbert realized that the 962 was beginning to feel dated.
The old A4 was still competitive, even at age six, but it had begun to feel dated.
Anderson originally intended the Mysterons to be more conventional Martians, later choosing to make them effectively invisible so that the series would not feel dated.
But the film feels lazy and dated.
Strange to say about a vaguely futuristic novel, but "The Savage Girl" feels dated somehow.
But these don't feel dated, and their subtly tilted perspective - as if seen from a second-story window - gives them added thrust.
It felt a little less dated than the first two.
As for the food, it can be very good, though it can also feel dated.