It felt eerie just watching him move inside and begin his stalk.
The pictures made the room feel eerie, she thought.
Bosch felt eerie reading the words of the follower out loud in the quiet courtroom.
A heartbeat later, the rain and wind also died, and the sudden silence felt almost eerie.
There was no use complaining about it, but it did feel eerie, watching his friends behave this way.
It no longer felt eerie after more than twenty-five years with Center in his brain.
It felt eerie being in there all alone, the chairs up on the tables, the lights off.
As the sun sets, it can feel eerie; under a full moon the beams reflecting off the salt crystals light up the night.
The guard was about twenty metres ahead of him and it felt eerie to be so suddenly alone.
Walk closer and it feels eerie, for it is a ghost city.