Her heart felt expansive and full of joy; she danced merrily through the sea of love.
"Really," said Remo, feeling warm and expansive.
Maybe it's because it just bought Rolls-Royce, but Volkswagen is suddenly feeling a bit more expansive - more like meeting its moral obligations.
It mixes big-name acts with strong local talent in a funky concert hall that feels intimate and expansive all at once.
He smiled at them, feeling expansive, triumphant, and full of love even for The Minotaur.
Now that Liane was behind her she felt oddly expansive, and free to think back on the years since Harry Havilland left her.
Erzcour felt expansive and indulgent, happy for the occasion to demonstrate the superiority of military maneuver over the diplomatic.
He felt expansive and full of well-being.
Lenhardt again, the consummate cop, intent on getting the facts while the suspect was feeling voluble and expansive.
He felt expansive and relieved, now that he was sure they wouldn't be deadlined at the last instant by a stupid mistake.