He began to sweat; for the first time in longer than he could remember, he began to feel afraid for his own life.
In this circumstance, it is reasonable for Kenneth to feel fear for his life, which is the test of self-defense.
She couldn't feel grief over the death of her former husband, but she did feel sorrow for his misguided life.
He had been dominated by this woman, been made to feel abject through sheer terror for his life.
As I sat beside Yuki in the waiting room, I could feel her terror and fear for her mother's life.
"I do not think," Romus says, "he will feel grateful for his life."
He was brought up by peasant nannies, all of which made him feel empathy for the peasants' life in Georgia.
According to Beijering she felt grateful for her long life, but being the oldest person in the world for over a year was long enough.
"There's no question he felt afraid for his life," she said.
Did they all feel somehow responsible for his life?