I feel gratified in rendering him this tribute.
I feel gratified to know I have helped them get through another cold night.
Dumire did not acknowledge the compliment, but inwardly he felt gratified that this boy liked both him and his job.
Rather, he believes that the students' immersion in video games caused them to feel most gratified while playing in a virtual world.
But for now, both say they feel gratified that they are giving to their community.
"I don't know who feels more gratified - him or me, because now he knows his brother Russell can be taught."
I'd felt so gratified by his attention.
Now the men who threw the stones felt gratified, and went back in that state to their homes, unaware they had been savages.
Does he feel gratified, or like a grand-daddy?
"I feel very gratified that I put my hand up and said 'I'll do it' rather than hanging back," she said.