With insomnia, you sleep so badly that you feel grouchy and perform poorly during the day.
You are likely to crave cigarettes and may feel grouchy, restless, or sad for the first 2 to 3 weeks after you quit.
Try it some day when you're feeling grouchy and don't want to be bothered.
The person may lose interest in daily activities and may feel sad and grouchy for a long time.
That's why you may feel grouchy, restless, or sad for the first 2 to 3 weeks after you quit.
I was feeling grouchy and simply nodded.
Some people feel grouchy and have headaches or cravings.
Symptoms include feeling grouchy or depressed and having trouble sleeping or concentrating.
Nicotine withdrawal can make you feel grouchy, hungry, and nervous.
Most of this month, Buddy Lazier was feeling pained and very grouchy.