In all truth, she didn't feel indifferent to him.
I liked some of the cast, disliked others, felt indifferent to the rest, the way it usually goes.
"We just came to support the guys because we don't feel indifferent," he said.
All of a sudden Bela felt totally indifferent about the whole thing.
I felt strangely indifferent as to which it might be.
Williams learned of the operation only after it was done, and his diaries indicate that at first he felt indifferent.
He felt indifferent to the condition of the vanquished man.
His taste for secrecy was more because he felt indifferent toward the dead things of the past than due to any fear or mania.
You feel indifferent to go to a movie, to go to a party.
Just now I feel too tired and indifferent to think about the future.