He looked at the Cardinal, feeling irritated and baffled.
He felt irritated, restless, and miserable.
Scott had just felt irritated and impatient.
I was feeling pretty irritated by then.
Jocelyn immediately felt even more irritated than he had already been feeling.
I felt irritated, by this and the weather and being still hungry, and refused his offer to play again.
On the surface, there was nothing wrong with his response, but I felt irritated and uneasy, maybe just because I wasn't getting anyplace.
I regret to say that Polly never could talk with or be near Trix without feeling irritated and combative.
Barney glared at his round face with its thick brown fringe of hair, and felt more irritated than ever.
He felt irritated and devoted himself to complete the soundtrack's recording before Titanic came out.