His 'old life' was far too nebulous a concept to know exactly what part or period to feel nostalgic about.
But, we can't help feeling a little nostalgic for our guys in the south.
These days it is possible to feel nostalgic for almost anything.
He will leave at the end of the year and is feeling nostalgic.
Clarissa hadn't had so much fun for years and was feeling a little nostalgic.
It is hard not to feel nostalgic while looking at these theater drawings from over 50 years ago.
Now I feel almost nostalgic for something I've never even experienced.
I watch it back sometimes on a Sunday when I'm feeling nostalgic.
He sat slumped in his chair, watching the dark blue world rising slowly toward him, and felt almost nostalgic.
Maybe it felt more nostalgic about our good old days than I did.