Emma, feeling broken and regretful, explains her intentions to her father who offers her much needed comfort.
"I feel regretful that I beat my best friend, not a foreign player," he said.
"It's the kind of fund that can make you feel brilliant or regretful depending on when you get in."
I felt deeply regretful about that; he deserved to be here.
He felt regretful, having hoped for a word with him, a chance, perhaps, to find out what was troubling him, make friends again.
I was feeling regretful and must have sounded it, but also I was feeling-what's the right word?
"Basically, I feel very regretful that I didn't win the gold medal," she said.
"But we do not feel regretful," he added.
"Probably never," I said, unsure whether to feel regretful or relieved that the delicate situation had been resolved without my having to resolve it.
Yvonne felt quite regretful after having accused her boyfriend of lying to her, and then finding out that he hadn't.