Suddenly I felt dizzy and unfocused.
At a final rehearsal, the piece was feeling tentative and unfocused.
This continued through the 2003 season, Mr. Johnson said, as he noticed himself feeling increasingly more unfocused, irritable and depressed.
I felt unfocused, foggy, as if my contents were seeping out and I would soon vanish.
He realized, as he hauled off his clothes by the moonlight, that he felt confused and unfocused.
Instead, it feels somewhat rambling and unfocused.
If Ms. Pinkins clearly has the potential to go almost anywhere she chooses on the musical map, her act feels unfocused and slapped together.
I turned off the television, then went out onto my deck, feeling listless and unfocused.
At the front, in the trenches, the energy level felt wild and unfocused and adolescent; not much different, really, than an unruly middle-school recess.
The room felt unfocused, and it was almost as if she didn't notice the large projection screen that had been positioned against the mirrored wall.