"Watching the white phallus that is the Washington Monument piercing the air like a bayonet, you feel uplifted," he said.
By old tradition those who have fasted will feel uplifted, their spirituality reinforced by self-restraint and denial of earthly joys.
But if you're singing gospel and you're blue, when you finish, you feel uplifted.
Darius did not feel uplifted.
Here are space and sky, and merely to look at them is to feel uplifted.
My mother felt uplifted, her eyes shone with feverish brilliance, her cheeks were on fire.
Do you feel uplifted, dear one?
Suddenly you feel uplifted, as if there may be a point after all to the flagellation endured in this city.
It was found that some aromas made people feel drowsy, others made them feel uplifted or even euphoric.
Makes you feel uplifted, lcrrgrief is real.