But changing it requires more political and governmental energy than than anyone has felt worthwhile.
I will look for the good in all people and make them feel worthwhile.
The 34-year-old claimed he will have to remind himself he can return to make the hours of running, weight lifting and treatment feel worthwhile.
Trouble with you people is, you've got to hate somebody else so you can feel worthwhile.
Thank you,' he said, and for a moment the girl's smile made everything feel more worthwhile.
This in turn makes him feel more worthwhile.
And so, excluded as they are from reproduction, men must find other ways to feel useful and worthwhile.
He felt worthwhile at once, and glad he'd gone out to look for Charlotte.
I need others to approve of me in order to really feel worthwhile and happy.
My mother has a very strong sense of community, as you know, and I feel worthwhile after I talk to the kids.