The feeling of warmth and flow abated, leaving him slightly dizzy and with a pounding heart.
This feeling abated on the second day; but, although lessened, it remained powerful enough to prevent my speaking to him.
That feeling abated once she began meeting with others at Twinless Twins.
All the same, my feelings of dread were equally certain-and indeed, had not abated.
"We will talk to them separately and then, as feelings abate, together," he said.
The feeling of wrongness abated, leaving me in relief, as if I had punctured the boil.
The hard feelings have not abated, although it is clear that the clergy does not speak with one voice.
The President's advisers predicted that the bad feelings would abate.
However, Stephanie's feeling of foreboding had not abated.
After a few minutes the feeling abated, though it did not go away entirely.