Many people in Nacogdoches, a town of 29,000, spoke of feeling connected to something big.
He returns to New York, admitting to Beth that he did not commit adultery, despite feeling connected to Jo.
They speak of feeling connected to their birthplace, but some of them are also appalled by its poverty.
Recent research has found that nature exposure (and feeling connected to nature at a trait level) provides many benefits to humans such as well-being.
On the other hand, there was a feeling deep inside, connected, he now realized, with the mage-senses he seldom used, that Starblade was wrong, dead wrong.
The Story of the Special Brigade mentions "a strong personal feeling" connected with the sinking of the Lusitania without being more specific.
I couldn't help feeling connected to her.
All that remains are feelings and impressions connected by a mood.
All other feelings and memories connected with that place and time had been overcome and cast away.
The act of feeling connected to someone will instantly calm you when the going gets rough.