Betty Toufry and John Marshall perceived that the feeling of effort and strain emanating from the strange being increased substantially.
A feeling of tremendous peace emanated from Alarista.
A dizzy feeling emanated from these confused masses as the human flood rolled them along--a dizzy feeling, a sense of terror and all the pity of the massacres to come.
His gaze seemed drawn to one of the boarded-up windows, to an uncovered dusty pane, as if the strange feeling were emanating from the glass.
An odd feeling of warmth now emanated from those broad, square, workman's hands.
Instead of being directed at the often female figure, these intense feelings now emanate from within.
The feeling of formality emanates not from the room but from the soignee crowd filling the place in these first weeks.
But then his slowly clearing mind and empathic faculty made him aware that the loudest sounds and strongest feelings were emanating from two principle sources, one of which was long-familiar to him, and both of them were in the adjoining recovery ward.