This feeling inspires him to leave Chicago and travel all over becoming involved in various adventures.
Walking past the tall, bulky uniformed customs officer there was that familiar feeling of trepidation inspired by the sight of a uniform.
These good feelings inspired the first short-lived "era of internal improvements" from the 18th through the 25th Congress, which ended with the panic of 1837.
Whatever feelings Lord Alaric Morgan inspired in humans, total apathy was not one of them.
My three doors were kept ever shut, and I was left to such meditations as such feelings and such hopes might inspire.
The uneasy feeling, combined with a peculiar revulsion at its calculated manipulations, inspired him with a flaming urge to rip the creature to shreds.
That feeling inspired his public apology for the injury the day after it happened, a gesture that stood out for its sincerity.
These feelings inspired the song "Irvine", telling of when she was in Irvine, California.
A feeling of new confidence inspired Paget to-night.
Such feelings inspired this rollicking ballad.