The feeling can occur even when the bladder contains only a small amount of urine.
That feeling can occur with children of any age, but it is most common at two stages of a child's life: infancy and adolescence.
You need to work out why this bad feeling occurs, whether it is fixable or so far gone that you need to move on.
Nausea, headache and a feeling of being ill may also occur.
Freud does not deny that this feeling may occur in people and offers a psychoanalytical explanation.
However, he incorrectly assumed that these feelings occur only when the mind is exhausted (from hunger, lack of sleep etc.).
Odrade recalled that the alien feeling had occurred to her as she chewed on a sandwich.
In obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, this feeling occurs only after endless deliberation and revision, if at all.
If there is a mismatch between the body and its predicted position, perhaps due to obstructions or other cognitive disruption, no feeling of agency occurs.
That unpleasant feeling in the mouth occurs only when eating underripe persimmons.