This is not the case: rather, this feeling reflects much of our ignorance as to what, in detail, is going on inside the cell.
But personal feelings about such innovations, even from respected academics, do not reflect any rigorously derived consensus.
He said independent swing voters "are not taking their stands on individual issues, but their feelings about what values the candidate reflects."
Another truth is that the current feelings about China do not fully reflect today's reality.
He could see his own feelings reflected hi her face, but found no solace in the awareness mat she, too, had sustained a loss.
Sympathy is when a person's feelings reflect or are like those of another person.
That feeling reflects a continued level of discomfort among the public with one significant aspect of the planning process - its lack of clarity.
And professors' feelings about footnotes and headnotes, he suggested, reflect this.
Her feeling for every single thing she paints reflects the pantheism that runs like a river through Chinese art.
These strong, positive feelings reflect the security needs of the spouses that developed out of their early experiences.