I was talking to a fellow attorney who had handled a divorce case in Burbank.
Prior to her latest appointment, Borgia was engaged in trying many drug cases, which resulted in frequent kudos from police officers and fellow attorneys.
He married Barbara Snapp, a fellow attorney.
Spano ran in the general election against the Democratic nominee, Gail Gottlieb, a fellow attorney.
Within two days at Laurel, while assisting Ted, a fellow attorney, on a contract case, Tracy had learned that.
"I'm upset that my fellow attorneys should spend their time like this."
An Explorer trial would have the undivided attention of Turner's fellow attorneys.
Stevens knew no one in Gettysburg, and initially had little success as a lawyer there, sent a few small cases by fellow attorneys.
This change of heart happened after a letter writing campaign by fellow attorneys.
His Democratic opponent in the general election was John Wolfe, a fellow attorney.