A fellow banker, John Reed, chairman of Citicorp, did not make such a clean getaway.
Back when the Fed cut interest rates way down I asked Alan what had got into him and his fellow bankers.
Now, Aristide would naturally make inquiries among his fellow bankers about the financial status of this rich Mr. Walker.
In 2010 Hester separated from his wife, fellow banker the Canadian Barbara Abt.
"No one was surprised," Mr. Trichet said of his fellow central bankers, "because I expressed the sentiment of the governing council."
We make it a competition with our fellow bankers.
In fact, he and his fellow bankers make marginal concessions when necessary - a bridging loan for Argentina, a longer interest schedule for Chile, etc.
A fellow Swiss banker once told him, he said, that "if the Swiss banks had been kinder, much of this would not have happened," and he agrees.
Mr. Birrittella was 23 when he started his first company with Tom Coleman, a fellow banker.
His fellow bankers, stuck behind desks in New York and London, were, perhaps not surprisingly, somewhat skeptical.