Because of the authoritarian nature of the regime, Sarlo and her fellow contributors had to use pseudonyms, and subordinate political questions to aesthetic ones.
It should also be noted that Mann considered his story to be greatly superior to that of his fellow contributors, and he considered the overall book a "failure".
On April 11, 2007, Viets' fellow contributors to The Lipstick Chronicles reported that Viets had suffered a stroke.
Mad cartoonists have regularly drawn themselves, fellow contributors and editors, and family members into the articles, most famously Dave Berg's self-caricature "Roger Kaputnik".
By then, Costenco and some of his fellow contributors to the magazine also had leftist sympathies, making them critics of the right-wing trends in Greater Romanian politics.
Harris has been criticized by some of his fellow contributors at The Huffington Post.
The website has since recruited seven members, most of them fellow contributors at Channel Awesome.
Through fellow contributors, she met cartoonist and musician Reed Waller, with whom she began a romantic and professional relationship.
The coins described were from the collection of Sir Andrew Fountaine, another Oxford contemporary, friend, and fellow contributor to Hickes's Thesaurus.
Marc Lynch, a fellow contributor to Foreign Policy magazine, provides this riposte to Cook.