She used her psychic powers to assist her fellow heroes in battle.
Redeemed in the eyes of many of his fellow heroes, he received a hero's funeral.
His fellow heroes have to keep him in quarantine, and he's unable to be close to Masquerade, whom he's attracted to.
Returning unharmed to their fellow heroes, they discover they have captured the other villains.
Starting a revolt, Colin led his fellow heroes to escape.
Danette assumed partial custody of his daughter Terri, along with fellow hero the Atom.
Orpheus, the great seeker, little more than an animal skull above an empty cloak, drives fellow heroes into action.
He did not like to break the link with his fellow heroes.
In the course of the story Matchstick learns that he has misunderstood his mission, meets his future wife, and is alienated from his fellow heroes.
In the new timeline, Weston defends Fawcett City for time following the war with his fellow heroes.