But his fine work, which has been frequently challenged by fellow historians, does not remove the grounds for debate.
He also pressed his fellow historians to reconsider two issues linked to the future of British history.
That fact alone was surprising to many of his fellow historians, who tend to use a database when working with such large amounts of information.
Trevor-Roper was known for his lively intellectual controversies with fellow historians.
We trust that our fellow historians and other readers recognize the shortcomings of Nasar's review.
He married a fellow historian, Sheila Lambert, in 1952.
A fellow amateur historian of music, he caught on to what I was doing faster than most would have.
For a fellow historian it is a depressing tale.
"I've told my fellow historians and social scientists that it doesn't do any good to write letters of evaluation or sit on peer panels," he said.
'Good afternoon, colleagues, fellow historians,' I began, and then, feeling that was pompous, put down my notes.