"Luncheon" clinched for me what "tessellated" and "rubious" had clinched for him: he was certainly a fellow inhabitant from our distant galaxy.
She also writes that Janco's landscapes of the place "romanticize" his own contact with the Palestinians, and that they fail to clarify whether he thought of Arabs as refugees or as fellow inhabitants.
As a result of its depiction of a sexist society, the play did not win much sympathy from her fellow inhabitants of Ingolstadt and Fleisser suffered massive unpopularity in her home town after it was published and produced.
Lana is quite caring towards her fellow inhabitants of Freeborn, and will put the group ahead of herself.
A fellow inhabitant at the same address, John Christie, later found to be a sexual serial killer, gave key evidence against Evans.
The dozen died on Tuesday when residents wielding wooden clubs and machetes terrorized fellow inhabitants in the slum of about half a million people.
Because the street is where we learn to live with each other, where we learn to get along, where we really get comfortable with our fellow inhabitants of the city.
The souls of the dead are their fellow inhabitants and subjects.
Joining a team of researchers, construction workers and support staff, Dr. Nielsen is solely responsible for the mental and physical health of all fellow inhabitants stranded at the station through the winter.
Prior to the 19th century, according to Carter Eckert, "there was little, if any, feeling of loyalty toward the abstract concept of 'Korea' as a nation-state, or toward fellow inhabitants of the peninsula as 'Koreans'".