In 1995, supervisors berated a fellow investigator for socializing with Detective Baird.
That was what most of his fellow investigators , including his own partner, believed.
A similar problem is seen in the blandly written e-mail messages you receive from fellow investigators.
Berg did not complete his final step due to the pleas of several fellow investigators who feared the biohazards associated with the last step.
In the brief space of a few thrill-packed minutes, Joe Cardona and his fellow investigators had reached solid ground.
At the same time, my fellow investigator, architectural expert, Kieran Long was working hard on the architectural histories of the properties.
Dunninger was keeping it static, almost as though he recognized that a hidden presence could represent a fellow investigator using tactics different than his own.
Mr. Reichert flew to Florida that year with a fellow investigator and got his first look into the mind of a serial killer.
He was secretive, didn't want any dispatchers or his fellow investigators to catch the scent of what he was following.
The two are arrested by German police, but when the police realize they have apprehended fellow investigators they promise cooperation.