David Wilkinson's unique facilitative teaching style at University has won him many plaudits, to the extent that he is often found teaching lecturing skills to fellow lecturers around the world.
In 2012 Bala collaborated with poet, and fellow lecturer at Trinity Saint David's, Menna Elfyn for an exhibition called Field-notes.
A fellow lecturer once asked me, 'How can you see a real forest if you have never seen a fairy forest?'
Thanks to his reputation as a neuroscientist the laboratories at UCL attracted a large number of students and researchers, and his lectures were well received by both students and fellow lecturers.
Moeljatno was married to Lamya Moeljatno, a fellow lecturer at Gadjah Mada University.
A fellow lecturer filed a report that al-Taey was attacking the government.
Amongst his fellow lecturers were Moses Amyraut and Josué de la Place.
One recorded incident had Spooner write a note asking for a fellow lecturer at New College to see him immediately about a matter.
Misinformation fed to a Hungarian newspaper would suggest the attack was aimed at a fellow lecturer who was a vocal opponent of the Serbian government.
By the early 1990s, he and his fellow lecturers had twice petitioned the European Court of Justice (ECJ), which eventually ruled that Italy was infringing its obligations.