"I was bound and determined to make it a perfect day for Matt," Allen said of Bryant, his fellow rookie.
Turner started for Stephen Baker, a fellow rookie, at split end and caught one pass for 22 yards.
Among his fellow rookies, Kreon had a particular dislike for Boodikka, who he saw as barbaric and lacking in discipline.
Each tournament begins with a warm-up match against a fellow fictional rookie of average ability.
He asked his fellow rookie running back Cedric Houston if he could borrow his deodorant.
He also recalled that Ed Hearn, a fellow rookie, put a dead snake in his locker.
Armstrong and his fellow rookies, who bonded through their draft-night deal, have struggled to find themselves in the second unit.
Douglas put his arm around his fellow rookie, trying to laugh at himself.
The calm in the eye of the storm and the consummate confidant, Traci is the anchor for her fellow rookies.
He did not go out much with his fellow rookies because he disdains bars and nightclubs.