Boris is nearly always accompanied by his fellow spy, Natasha Fatale.
Later, he meets his fellow spies and devises a secondary plan to steal the safe's money.
But, like many of his fellow spies and spy masters, Gaston was an adventurer at heart.
Two recruits are the subjects of internal investigations and it is up to their fellow spies to set a trap and gather incriminating evidence.
One of those bundles, when fully opened, would betray The Shadow in the presence of men who had accepted him as a fellow spy!
He died in 1983, five years before the death of a fellow spy, Kim Philby.
The children flee to a safe house where they decide to become spies, until Ms. Gradenko, a fellow spy, arrives to help them.
Natasha usually serves as an assistant or accomplice to her fellow spy, Boris Badenov.
But he was simply unable to budge fellow spy; no amount of scorn, no appeal to Scar-ch manhood prevailed.
The commandos and more than 400 of their fellow spies were captured and imprisoned in the 1960's, Government records show.