A fellow trader was equally unconvinced about the plan's ability to stabilise sentiment.
In a message to their fellow Hamidian traders, no.
In Nigeria, traders will come to trust one another by inviting fellow traders to stay in one's home and get to know his family members.
Mr. Lewis is said by fellow traders to have made hundreds of millions of dollars speculating against the pound.
Ward, the manager of the hedge fund, has been dubbed "Chocfinger" by fellow traders for his exploits.
He encouraged fellow traders who were breaking into the industry to use positive statements when journaling.
He sells when others are ready to buy, analysts and fellow traders say.
I would suggest that you do the asking, however, in your role as a fellow foreign trader.
While he was in prison, his wife, Lisa, divorced him to marry a fellow trader.
In this atmosphere, newcomers like Samuel learned to function with their fellow traders.