The 87 felony complaints lodged against Mr. Norman cover three main charges.
The man was identified in the felony complaint filed against Mr. Markowski as Paris Shaerrell.
The office of the Manhattan D.A. had prepared 250 felony complaints over the course of the day, but without lights, the judges couldn't read them.
From the filing of the felony complaint, the District Attorney has up to six months to obtain an indictment.
Both teen-agers were arraigned yesterday in Brooklyn Criminal Court on felony complaints of second-degree murder.
The only purpose is to weed out groundless felony complaints, to spare wrongly accused defendants the embarrassment and cost of a full trial in the superior court.
Until then, Mr. Angelo is being held under a felony complaint.
The California attorney general brought a felony complaint against Ms. Dunn yesterday for her involvement in the two subsequent leak investigations.
If not, the court must dismiss the felony complaint.
A felony complaint made public Friday identified the defendants as two personal managers for West Coast entertainers and an actor.