The Northern Territory, the only mainland territory to have an Administrator, has had one female administrator (Sally Thomas).
At 42, she is one of the highest female administrators at Princeton, tending a $400 million university budget.
The same year, the first female administrator was hired.
And how would the state survive without it's army of part-time middle-aged female administrators on over 30k a year?
She was the highest-ranking female administrator at Berkeley until she returned to full-time teaching in 2000.
However, an attractive female administrator (Christina Chang) takes him stargazing and rekindles his enthusiasm for space exploration, and he composes an inspiring speech in support of the idea.
Others involved in college athletics, notably the dozens of female administrators who have ascended to positions of leadership, concede that the landscape has changed, but they see the picture differently.
At UConn, the hearing board for sexual assaults consists of one male and one female administrator who have the power to expel students.
In Canton, as in much of the country, these programs tend to be run by female administrators and female social workers.