A priest in female attire has the charge of it.
There are several indications that a lady was present on board, a sewing-machine being found in the cabin and some articles of female attire.
The saree is common female attire in the Indian subcontinent.
A ball gown is the most formal female attire for social occasions.
They found some female attire and a towel (being used to block the end of a canoe) and a heart shape drawn in the ground.
Some people still find trousers unacceptable female attire so play safe and stick to skirts unless you feel strongly on the subject.
But some of these supposed women were really men in female attire.
When Ms. Dower first asked to wear female attire, the company requested access to her medical records.
The men dress up in the female attire of their choice.
The templa also has an idol of Ganesha in female attire.