Female: The female butterfly is brown in colour above with whitish lower part of the disc.
Some female Nymphalid butterflies are known to guard their eggs from parasitoid wasps.
The female butterfly is dark shining green with bluish-gray hairs at the base.
What has such a man as Geoffrey to do with the feeble male and female butterflies of a London drawing-room?
These are darkened in above in the case of the female butterfly.
After mating, the female butterfly lays eggs - usually between 50 and 1,000.
At the same time, a group of young female butterflies flying and singing in the garden as they look for pollen to extract.
I am not shaken about the female protected butterflies.
If they can find enough pollen, female butterflies will keep laying eggs until their skin and wings fray.
The female butterfly, using many different clues, checks out the plants most carefully.