We had to look like female chimps, in submission position, head down, eyes averted.
A female chimp advertises her fertile period with a visible swelling and is then so pestered by males that she may get to eat only at night.
The day before the flight, two chimps were chosen for the mission: one primary, Ham, and one backup, a female chimp named Minnie.
But in the fifth... Its occupant was an older female chimp, obviously once somebody's pampered pet until she had grown too inconvenient.
In the cage across the way is a female chimp in heat.
And female chimps in heat are inclined to encourage as many males to have a go as they can round up.
It will also turn out, I have no doubt, that female chimps have more insight into others' minds than males . . .
That same month, Judy Greer was cast as Cornelia, a female chimp and love interest for Caesar.
They go to a zoo to work on a story about a painting elephant, only to find the zoo overrun by fifty female chimps.
"This is a big male chimp," she says, indicating her associate, "and I am a female chimp."