The concept of gigolo is used and is usually linked to male prostitutes with an exclusively female clientele.
The existence of female prostitutes for a female clientele is not well documented.
However, it was because of these borders that she was able to connect with her female clientele.
He is also constantly interested in the physical attractiveness of the female clientele that come to Harry Dresden for help.
He was, however, a valuable asset; many of her female clientele were blunt about his attractions and abilities.
The female clientele of Long Island nightclubs do like to dress up.
He very well might be, though any passion for Watson, who is forever ogling the female clientele, probably went unrequited.
According to Neiman Marcus, at least 50 percent of their female clientele are working baby boomers.
In addition, they say, women are likely to attract a larger female clientele, typically young singles, divorcees and widows.
He continued dancing, teaching dance and building up a following which included older female clientele who would let him borrow their luxury cars.