The male 'phallic prejudice' itself, creates a female consciousness that demands a critique of the female perspective.
Neatly painted as if by an industrious, visionary folk artist, this dreamy picture says something about a certain spellbound state of female consciousness.
As the economy, law, religion, sexual mores, education, and culture were forcibly opened up to include women more fairly, a private reality colonized female consciousness.
This gynocentrism combines with their psychologization of gender to make raising female consciousness their primary interest.
Where it does develop theories, it tends to found them on a specifically female individual consciousness, assuming that, if we learn to think and feel gynocentrically, we can overcome patriarchy.
A female consciousness cannot exist for the same reasons.
And we should, to use Naomi Wolf's words, rejoice in "how multifaceted the female consciousness is."
"To imagine and enjoy winning ... had long been alien to female consciousness," she writes.
It has been argued recently that the three novels form a trilogy - an extended inquiry on the subjects of nation, history, and the evolution of female consciousness.
Additionally, in traditional Chinese culture the butterfly is seen as an analogy of female consciousness.