Also, there is a noticeable difference in size between male and female deer of the savannas.
Other than this, the male and female deer are identical.
For example, female deer make a specific sound when they're looking to mate.
Q: What did the female deer say as she came out of the forest?
The female deer died along with two of her unborn fawns.
Since 1966, 228 male and 195 female deer have been removed.
The department also encourages hunters to kill female deer, which are likely to be pregnant, to help control the population.
But if a hunter kills a female deer and brings it to a check station, he can get another tag.
This season, there will be 374,000 such permits available, a quota that is expected to result in a harvest of about 62,000 adult female deer.
His society wants to encourage hunting again, especially of female deer.