Some 500 female Serbian descendants of Armenians married Serbs in the 1990s.
A male heir was imperative since France did not permit female descendants to serve as monarchs.
Such was Grandfather's hold from the grave on his female descendants.
Since the word zadeh could refer to either a male or female descendant, Shahzadeh had the parallel meaning of "princess" as well.
Puteri is a title inherited by the female descendant of a Megat.
By this honor, all her female descendants are eligible to join the DAR.
Culturally, Javanese people adopt a bilateral kinship system, with male and female descendants having equal importance.
Nashua's dam was Segula, a good broodmare who has had influence through her female descendants.
If that were to happen, Patch would become human because Nora is a female descendant of a Nephilim.
Massenet's female descendants have had a way of helping out, as Miss Sayao discovered over 60 years ago.