In addition to his "Angels" in the office, Wilson always had a female escort when he was not on the House floor.
Underneath the name was the legend 'Discreet, charming male and female escorts for every occasion'.
'I attended various social functions that required me to have a female escort,' he said through clenched teeth.
Before 1935 when prostitution was still legal in Hong Kong, female escorts often accompanied diners to restaurant meals, especially those of a business entertainment nature.
She couldn't use the bedroom window, though, because her female escort sat directly opposite the open door, where any movement Hastings made would capture her attention instantly.
In December 2010, Dykstra was accused of hiring a female escort, then writing the escort a bad $1,000 check.
The goat or duck is meant for the girl's mother, while the rest of the gifts are retained and shared by the female escorts.
She sauntered on, skirt remaining up high, with her two female escorts.
Chamalis gives her the name 'Swan' and she becomes more or less his female escort.
That night, he hires a female escort.