Willie Sievers' guitar solos recorded with the band in 1928 and 1929 are among the first by a female lead guitarist in Country music.
Ash Soular, female guitarist, plays a Hendrix style tribute those who lost their lives on 9/11....
Finding a female guitarist turned out to be much harder.
Ramatam was notable for having April Lawton, a female lead guitarist.
Recently, Guitar World Magazine named Moye as one the ten female guitarists in the world to know.
The ad called for a female guitarist, but Savill wanted to join so badly he offered to wear a dress.
It also had a female guitarist like Seattle counterpart Heart.
She became the first official female guitarist of P-Funk in 2007.
Millington was once described by Guitar Player magazine as the hottest female guitarist in the music industry.
However, they soon lost both female guitarists, and Boz Boorer took over playing the guitar for their shows.