Additionally, female golden hamsters show a sexual preference towards familiar non-kin odors.
A female hamster will come into season almost immediately after giving birth, and can become pregnant despite already having a litter.
The female Roborovski hamster can bite an owner if she is handled while she is heavily pregnant.
Sexually mature female hamsters come into season (oestrus) every four days.
A female hamster enters estrous almost immediately after giving birth, and can become pregnant despite already having a litter.
Infanticide is not uncommon among female golden hamsters.
Another reader jocularily compared her to Bob, a female hamster (despite the name), who was also a famous character on the magazine's letters page.
The male will usually hide in holes or caves to escape from the vicious bite of the female Djungarian hamster.
Apparently female hamsters v. bad-tempered and sometimes bite or eat their young.
It's hard to differentiate between a male and female hamster.