We're like the 19th-century opera composers who kept creating histrionic female heroines because audiences loved a good mad scene.
In an unusual twist for the time, her mysteries featured female heroines.
The storyline usually follows the same linear structure, with a female heroine and her sidekick finding themselves in distress.
She writes that they needed a female heroine to validate their claims for women's suffrage.
The four band members played tragic female heroines, in despair from love and separation.
In the musical, she was the female heroine.
That's why 'Silence' is such a big departure, because it stands for all the same things, but you have a real female heroine.
The book describes different periods of the female heroine's life and the society she lives in.
Virtually all of the storylines center on the life of a female heroine who faces challenges while working to achieve her dreams.
However, due to the fun in drawing her, Woo hinted that she might be the female heroine.