By using the women actors as models for new fashion, Boothe had the opportunity to feature new styles of fashion at the expense of female modesty.
To present-day eyes, expressions of extreme female modesty seem subversive, a stumbling block to the sane ordering of human affairs.
Like the original veil, it serves to create the conditions of female modesty.
Perhaps due to its erotic association, hair was often linked with Roman ideas of female modesty and honour.
Depending upon local views regarding female modesty, they may or may not cover the face or the eyes, or the entire body.
It explores the issue of clothing, female modesty, multiple identities and cultural clashes.
Calling a surgeon was very much a last resort and having men deliver women in this era whatsoever was seen as offending female modesty.
But how the study of the sexual system of plants can accord with female modesty, I am not able to comprehend.
We discuss how Muslim jurists consider historical needs in their rulings, the role of female modesty in this debate, and the nature of juristic consensus.
In most Middle Eastern countries, toplessness has not been socially accepted since at least the early beginning of Islam (7th century), because of Islamic standards for female modesty.