Some believe the female owners of the insignias used them to place their seal on valuable documents.
Some 30 percent of female owners, versus 11 percent of the men, said they planned to have their daughters take over.
Two years ago, for its 15th anniversary, the association started a fund to provide female owners with educational opportunities to improve their skills.
Hearing a struggle in a room near his own, he discovered an intruder holding the female owner of the establishment against a wall.
The middle-aged, female owner takes him back to her ranch, where she inspects the motorcycle, revealing only minor problems.
It is about the relationship between a male cat and his female owner told from the cat's perspective.
The champagne house that bears her nickname set up an award for female owners or managers of companies.
In the early 16th century, the male or female owner of the pub not only sold the ale, but also probably brewed it.
It is considered becoming to men but robs its female owners of the delicate, pointed chin so much desired by women.